Cathrine Schrøder

At GRÜNBAG we work closely with our customers to design the perfect bag for their needs. In close collaboration with the architectural firm Pluskontoret we developed our shoulder bag “Architect”. A bag that have to be functional whether it's on the construction site or in the meeting room.

Quality and functionality is in focus

Back in 2008, in close collaboration with Pluskontoret, GRÜNBAG started to develop the first edition of our Architect bag. For Pluskontoret both quality, functionality and the look of the bag was a priority, and they made sure the design of the bag included room for 2 A4 binders, a water bottle, keys, writing utensils and other small things. At the same time, the quality of the bag needed to allow the employees at Pluskontoret to bring it to the construction site.

In the development process the Architect bag was made taller in order to fit an A3 binder in it.

Today each employee at Pluskontoret have at least one GRÜNBAG Architect Shoulder Bag, which they can bring for all their everyday work tasks.

A sustainable statement

At Pluskontoret sustainability is an important part of their idendity. “Functionality combined with sustainability is ideal for us, and the upcycling concept is important for our entire globe”, says one of the founders of Pluskontoret, architect Suna Cenholt.

When you visit Pluskontoret in Aarhus it is clear how the sustainable solutions are in focus. Among other things, they have a zero waste food arrangement, where all parts of the food is being used wisely, and where they serve vegan food several times a week.

A bag for life

At GRÜNBAG we handpick all our materials, which insures very durable bags that will bring you joy for a long time. Pluskontoret has - since they received their first batch of GRÜNBAGs - changed their logo, which made them request a design upgrade and a service inspection of their bags. All the logos were updated and small repairs were fixed in order for the employees at Pluskontoret to enjoy their GRÜNBAGs for the longest time possible.

See our Architect Shoulder Bag here


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