Florine Hofmann

Christmas is fast approaching and so is the abundance of Christmas decoration options available to us. Inspired by our founder Helen, who comes up with a new creative way to build an eco-friendly Christmas tree out of upcycled material every year, we found 3 different ways to greenify this year Christmas decorations.

1. Edible Christmas Decorations

Gingerbreadmen might just be our favorite way to decorate our tree. Simply use a gingerbread recipe of your choice and get creative. We love the endless options when it comes to shapes and gives the tree a personal touch. Perfect for a cosy family Sunday.

2. Second-Hand for the win

At GRÜNBAG, we are a big fan of upcycling (Duh ;-)). At the office, all of our Christmas decoration is upcycled from things we already had. This year, our redesigner Christina made stunning stars out of the leftover scraps from our GRÜNBAG Backpacks. We also use leftover paper from order to create beautiful Christmas ornaments and window stars. This option is affordable, fun and really gets us into the Christmas spirit.

3. Buy consciously

There is nothing wrong with not having the time to DIY. Believe us, we know the challenge of prioritising around the holidays oh too well. In that case, Christmas markets are our best bet. Go for local, handmade and look for materials like wood, stainless steel, glas and paper. They will last you for more than one season and save you money in the long run.

We would love to see your sustainable Christmas decorations, tag us in your Instagram post, we will share our favorits in our Instagram stories!

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