Sille Aaes

Sustainably Vegan has been a GRÜNBAG ambassador for quite some time now and she’s just made an awesome GRÜNBAG presentation video. She has asked us to share the story about where our bags are made and from what materials. Unlike many fast fashion brands, we are transparent and more than willing to share our sustainable values with you.

About our collaboration she tells:

„I’ve been an ambassador for @grunbag for quite some time now, which formed completely organically and authentically…which is hard to come by as an influencer. Just over a year ago I was searching and searching for the perfect sustainable backpack that was fairly made, created from upcycled materials, could withstand a lot of use, and fit my style. I came across GRÜNBAG who seemed quite new but I knew immediately that they were the perfect fit. A truly zero-waste company with style. To be an ambassador is to hold dearly the same values as the company you are willing to represent…I hope you enjoyed this little film I put together and learning a little more about GRÜNBAG – it was a lot of fun making it and an honor to be an ambassador for a truly zero-waste company„.


A lot of our products are handmade in our atelier based in the GRÜNBAG headquarters in Århus. We outsource some of our work to a small group of sewers in Poland. This atelier in Poland has the right machines for working with our kind of material and furthermore they let us use their scrap materials, avoiding waste. This means that we don’t have to send all the materials from Denmark to Poland.

The factory in Poland is a Danish-owned company, with Danish management. This gives us close contact with the factory and ensures smooth and transparent communication. We often make a trip to Poland in order to ensure quality, as well as good working conditions for our sewers.

You can read more about our company and our values here


Almost all the materials we use to make a GRÜNBAG are recycled or upcycled. We work hard to integrate even more sustainability into our bags. For the production of truck covers, there are always clippings and residues that cannot be used for the trucks. Instead of disposing of these residues as waste, they are converted into stylish bags. The sturdy material provides a durable bag that only looks better after a few years. We also receive huge life rafts from Viking Lifesaving Equipment, from which we reuse not only the cover material but also the zippers and the reflection bands. Find a description of all our sustainable materials here.

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